We met at Cockfosters Tube Station (in the far north), some had nosebleeds but we carried on. Our featured image shows us all plunging into the countryside.
Trent Park has its odder denizens but we passed them by without a word.
Trent Park has tree canopy walk ways for the intrepid. We looked but were not tempted.
There was a pause to try out reflection photos. Shall I have a duck in the image or not? One of the difficult questions that mankind has wrestled with down the ages.
By now Judy and Suzi were into full stride – ready for Rio.
Who’s good on flower identification? Is this Rose Bay Willow Herb?
Somewhat surprisingly we agreed this is Gunnera (but we had different views on pronunciation).
Did we all want to go to the Obelisk? Maybe. Or the Water Garden? Difficult choices.
Getting lost was easy. Of course we might not have been lost – maybe we were just not certain of our position ?
Eventually, and this took a while, we were back on what we were happy to call a road. Definitely not a field. From here it was full speed for the café. Good walk. Suzi recorded the distance as 7km and I’m willing to believe that distance. Rain had threatened but the threat retreated and we were left with a pleasantly drab day but hopefully the images are anything but drab!
Images and text Gareth Phillips