Breathing Space – Story of the Week by Susi Luard

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WILD CROYDON – Story and images by Susi Luard

The walk with Judy Hicks and David Myford began innocently with gentle manicured meadows up the hill. We passed adorable brown cows and calves (feature image) with their friendly farmers, lively excited dogs, butterflies and birds along Farthing Downs & New Hills while the Skylark was singing.  Judy is the expert in birdsong while I could just about tell the squawk of a crow.

Excited happy dogs in Happy Valley.2 20160720_Croydon_Happy Valley_Let me run small

After getting a little lost we were hungry enough to demolish a good lunch at the Fox, a gorgeous vintage inn.

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4 20160720_Croydon_Coulsdon Common_Brambley smallAfter lunch it was a steep hillside walk over the other side of Farthing Downs and New Hills.  I was still taking pictures and the last one before the gap was of the start of the brambley path.  I uttered more and more ‘ouch’ and ‘arrghs’ as we were greeted by blackberry thorns peppered with zingy nettles amongst the pretty wild flowers. Judy and David were rather worried and kindly went ahead and pushed away the nettles and brambles for me.  It was way too hot to wear a proper waxed Barbour, khaki long trousers and hiking boots so I persevered in my mid calf leggings and waterproof crocs sandals.  I remained in good spirits as we came out of the nasty paths and saw three horses and a pony so I started taking pictures again.

6 20160720_Croydon_Chaldon Way_Dream Car smallWe finally hit a proper road, Chaldon Way, where we came across some pretty cars – a Chevy (left) and Herbie (VW number 53 as used in the movie).

A beautiful secret garden called Chaldon Way Gardens was at the end of the road.






After photographing the Marlpit Lane Bowlin8 20160720_Croydon_Coulsdon Memorial Ground_Poppy Cafe smallg Green we stopped for some Magnums (ice cream, not guns) at Poppy’s Cafe within Coulsdon Memorial Grounds (right) with their neatly striped lawn.


The walk ends at Coulsdon South Station by which time I’m sure everyone was grateful to rest the soft train seats.  It was a beautiful adventure and I’ll do it all over again.


Author Judy Hicks

Joint Co-ordinator RPS London Breathing London Project and Co-Regional Organiser, RPS London Region. My photographic interests are pretty wide ranging: basically I like to capture what is going on around me, so, I would describe myself as a travel, documentary and street/urban photographer. I was awarded my LRPS in 2015. Oh yes, and I love everything about horses!!

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