June July Competition Winner

By August 15, 2016latest_news

Congratulations to our very own Jen Pedler for her winning image in the June July Competition “Essence of Place”.   Robert Canis says of Jen’s image:

“My pick for the competition is Family Fishing. A very well caught image. Simple composition which, importantly, shows where it was taken and I, also, like the added interest in the background”.

Jen wins a 12-month subscription to The Photographer’s Gallery and many congratulations from us all.


Author Judy Hicks

Joint Co-ordinator RPS London Breathing London Project and Co-Regional Organiser, RPS London Region. My photographic interests are pretty wide ranging: basically I like to capture what is going on around me, so, I would describe myself as a travel, documentary and street/urban photographer. I was awarded my LRPS in 2015. Oh yes, and I love everything about horses!!

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