Picture of the Week #27

By February 6, 2017latest_news, potw

Mist on Pens Pond (c) Jennette Russell

Picture of the Week had a bit of a blip as our last winner was away and unable to make a new selection. To get things back on track we engaged the services of A Nonny Mouse who has selected Jennette Russell’s ‘Mist on Pens Pond’ as today’s picture of the week.

Nonny says “There was an interesting selection of images which reflected the past few weeks –  especially the misty mornings.  I chose this one because it was so well composed with all the tree reflections captured.  And the lone bird flying past just broke the absolute stillness of the scene!” Congratulations, Jennette!

This is our twenty-seventh photo of the week. “Play tag”. The person whose photo is chosen each week should then select next week’s image. Send your choice to greenlondon@rps.org with some brief notes as to why you chose it and we’ll then post here. The only rule is that you can’t ‘tag back’ – i.e. you can’t pick a photo by the person who picked yours. Hope we can keep the fun going.

So it’s over to you, Jennette.   Please pick an image between 5th and 11th February for posting on Sunday, the 12th February.

Author Jen Pedler

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