Weekly Update No. 2 – 15th July 2016

By July 15, 2016latest_news

Last Week

The picture I have chosen to head up my Blog this week is Mike Longhurst’s cheerful image of Marchmont Community Garden, taken on a rare bright summer’s day!   And the nice weather appears to have enticed everyone out with their cameras:  month-to-date, 18 photographers have uploaded a total of 281 images – and it’s only the 15th of the month!  Thank you all – it looks as if this is going to be a record-breaking month!

The July Challenge

… remains to snap up all the major Parks, as per my earlier BLOG.   I will try to get the spreadsheet updated before the end of the weekend so that it is easier to see what has and what has not been covered already – and when the images were taken.

Link Up for Photo Walks

Susi and I had a brilliant day out on Wednesday and snapped up Tooting Commons, Wandsworth Commons, Wandsworth Cemetery and a stretch of the Wandle, before the heavens opened!

I have set aside Wednesday 20th and Wednesday 27th to snap up further Breathing London images.  If you would be able to join me for all or part of the day, or would like me to join your adventure, or would like me to try to find you a fellow photographer to join up with, please e-mail me at greenlondon@rps.org

Local Competitions

Part of the mandate for the Breathing London Project was to have a number of small, local exhibitions.   If any of you know of a café, library or community centre close to you where we would be able to hold a small exhibition, will you let me know, please?

Thank you and please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns at all.


Image:  Marchmont Community Garden copyright Mike Longhurst





Author Judy Hicks

Joint Co-ordinator RPS London Breathing London Project and Co-Regional Organiser, RPS London Region. My photographic interests are pretty wide ranging: basically I like to capture what is going on around me, so, I would describe myself as a travel, documentary and street/urban photographer. I was awarded my LRPS in 2015. Oh yes, and I love everything about horses!!

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