Last Week
Last week Breathing Londoners were out and about on the edges of London – from Janet and Gareth in Hainault to Susi, David and I in the very southern part of LB Croydon!! The above image is by Gareth and shows the wonderful countryside to be found on the edges of our City. Month to date we have uploaded 520 images so indeed it is our best month of the project so far! Wonderful images from many others who were out and about in other areas too – please keep them coming in!!
The July Challenge
This is the last week for taking images for the July Challenge – remember just two per photographer – so please join in the fun and enter. (If you need advice on how to upload your image, please do not hesitate to email me at greenlondon@rps.org). To qualify, images to be taken within the calendar months of June and July, uploads on or before 5th August please!
Link Up for Photowalks
Suzi, David Myford and I enjoyed a terrific walk on Wednesday last, despite (or perhaps because of) battling with brambles, nettles and stony paths. We found wonderful views, Sussex cattle who graze the chalk downlands, dogs, dogwalkers and a very welcoming pub. On Wednesday this week, July 27th, we are meeting at Cockfosters Tube Station at 11.30 to snap up a few images of Trent Park and surrounds. Ed, Janet and Gareth have signed up so far – I hope others will join us.
“Brevity is the Soul of Wit”
As I am not at my usual base I will keep it short. more next week but as usual contact me if you have any questions or concerns at all.
Happy Shooting….