By August 1, 2016latest_news

Image Cinnabar Moth Caterpillar on Ragwort copyright Steve Reed

July has been FABULOUS!  Our best month ever for Breathing London, with over 800 images uploaded to bring the total to date to 2,478.   Most importantly, welcome to some of our Bleeding Londoners who have joined us and are now Breathing, and to some of you back from extended trips and vacations!!    Please keep all your wonderful images coming in!

For those who like statistics, 49 photographers have uploaded images to date and the favourite Boroughs are Westminster  (272), Camden (248) and Tower Hamlets (208);  the Boroughs unloved to date are Hillingdon with zero followed by Sutton (2), Brent (10) and Bexley (11).   We will plan to address the “orphan” Boroughs during our forthcoming photowalks.

The July Challenge

The July Challenge has now closed but you have until midnight on 5th August to upload your images:  “The Essence of Place” link is here if you need more information:  remember, up to 2 images per photographer only please!

The August Challenge:  “Away from the Boroughs”

This competition is an invitation for you to submit a picture of a “Breathing Space” which is NOT in one of the London Boroughs or the City of London.   Since many of you will have been away from the London Boroughs for at least a few days in July or August, we are hoping for lots of interesting images and a change of emphasis.

Link up for Photo Walks

Our weekly photowalks (usually on Wednesdays) are proving to be a great way to meet new people, as well as a rich source of images for the project.  In keeping with our walk in Happy Valley, we managed to find a dead end, some brambles and nettle-lined paths in Trent Park:  despite these hazards and the threat of rain, great fun was had by all.

This coming week, Wednesday 3rd August, Jen is leading an expedition to Northala Fields in the LB of Ealing – do join her for what will no doubt be a great photowalk.  Details are on the Events page of this site.  Wednesday 10th August, I will be leading the walk which will probably be in LB Sutton, as this is one of our currently unloved Boroughs.  Do put the time aside in your diary to come and join me if you can.  When a plan has been formulated, it will be posted on the Events Page of this website.

The Major of London’s Pocket Parks

A complete change from major open green spaces.  This month, we’d like you to go to this link (scroll down to see the list) and snap up as many as you can of the Mayor’s Pocket Parks.  An antidote, perhaps, to the large open spaces which we have been hunting down in June and July (and continue to hunt down in August)!  Some of these have already been done but let’s see how many we can snap up before the end of the month “just for fun”.

As before, do contact us with any questions.   (E-mail greenlondon@rps.org).   Your feedback is welcomed.

Have a great week of photography!









Author Judy Hicks

Joint Co-ordinator RPS London Breathing London Project and Co-Regional Organiser, RPS London Region. My photographic interests are pretty wide ranging: basically I like to capture what is going on around me, so, I would describe myself as a travel, documentary and street/urban photographer. I was awarded my LRPS in 2015. Oh yes, and I love everything about horses!!

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