Image: Car Barge Hybrid by Janet Phillips
Perhaps one of the more delightful and unexpected things which has come out of Breathing London is the wonderful humour which the members have found and highlighted – so I chose Janet’s image of the Car Barge Hybrid today to head up the Weekly Update and put a smile on your faces.
August has started really well, with 240 uploads month-to-date. We now have images in all the Boroughs. Sutton, Bexley and Brent are still trailing, but our walk this Wednesday will take us through Merton, Sutton and into Croydon, so we will hope to remedy that this week.
The July Challenge has now closed and the entries will be posted shortly, so you can see them all! The August Challenge “away from the Boroughs” is now open so please get your thinking caps on and get posting! The competition is to submit a picture of a “Breathing Space” which is not in one of the London Boroughs or the City of London.
Link up for Photowalks! This week, 10th August, I am going to explore the two separate sources of the River Wandle (see Events). This walk will take us through part of Merton, Sutton and Croydon – all Boroughs which are lower down in the league table..! Next week I am going to join up with Havering Green Guru, Adrian, on 17th and then Jen is probably leading a walk on 24th (details to be confirmed).
Personally last week was a very busy week for me – but I will try to get more “lists” and information out to you all next week.
Have a great week of photography!
With best wishes