Weekly Update No. 1 8 July 2016



Statistics for the week

At last a break in the clouds has tempted us all to get “out and about”!  Month-to-date eleven photographers have uploaded 109 images covering spaces in twelve Boroughs – very encouraging and great images too: thank you!

The July Challenge

….. is to snap up Major Parks – see my earlier BLOG.  As there are 84 listed on my spreadsheet (linked to the BLOG and on the Home Page) and we have over eighty photographers signed up to the Project, how about each of you signing up for two or three open spaces, which you are prepared to cover over the year (Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring) – so that we can capture them in a diversity of styles across the seasons?  greenlondon@rps.com is the e-mail.

Link Up and make new friends!

From now until the end of the project, I am going to try to set aside one or two days each week to take photographs for Breathing London.  I will post my “walkabouts” on the Events section of this site.  If you would like to join me for all or part of a day, or would like me to join your adventure, or would like me to find you a fellow photographer to link up with, please e-mail me at greenlondon@rps.org

The first such walk is going to be this coming Wednesday 13th July, in the SW London area (Croydon, Kingston).  Details to be confirmed.   Suzi has already signed up, I hope others will too…


Joint Co-ordinator, Breathing London

Image copyright Susi Luard LRPS



Author Judy Hicks

Joint Co-ordinator RPS London Breathing London Project and Co-Regional Organiser, RPS London Region. My photographic interests are pretty wide ranging: basically I like to capture what is going on around me, so, I would describe myself as a travel, documentary and street/urban photographer. I was awarded my LRPS in 2015. Oh yes, and I love everything about horses!!

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